Changes to Grooms’ Benefits

Please be advised that effective April 1, 2012 there will be changes to the coverage you currently have under the OHHA Group Insurance Program. The attached outline highlights the areas of the plan that have been affected in bold.

Revised Grooms’ Benefits

These changes have been made as a result of budget constraints but reflect OHHA’s commitment to maintain adequate coverage for eligible members and their families.

The plan changes are as follows:

Drug coverage has gone from 80% coinsurance with an $8.00 dispensing fee maximum to 60% coinsurance with an $8.00 dispensing fee maximum. Anti-smoking and infertility drugs are no longer covered expenses, all other drug coverage remains the same.

  • Other health coverage also moves from 80% coinsurance to 60%.
  • Paramedical Practitioners now have a combined annual maximum of $350. Physiotherapy has not changed and still affords the same annual $1,000 in coverage.
  • Eye exams are no longer covered.
  • Dental coverage is now 60% coinsurance for Preventative and Basic coverage with an annual maximum of $750 per insured person. Removable prosthodontics are no longer covered.
  • Recall dental exams are now covered every 9 months.

If you have any questions with regard to these changes please do not hesitate to call Kathie Wilkinson at the OHHA office at 1-866-774-6442 or 1-905-854-6442 ext. 224.


The Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) would like to inform members of its holiday office hours. The OHHA office will be closed on Tuesday,
Please join OHHA in our Annual Meeting on Wednesday October 2nd from 6:30-7:30PM located at Flamborough Baptist Church, 41 Concession 5 Rd East, Waterdown,