Changes to the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Elimination Guidelines

FROM: Lisa Foss, Executive Director, Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency

The Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency (CPMA) is advising the Canadian horse racing industry of upcoming changes to the Elimination Guidelines. These changes are described below and will be implemented on March 7, 2022.

All Elimination Guidelines will remain the same for medications not listed below (For example, phenylbutazone).

The CPMA consulted with its Drug Advisory Committee on all of these changes.

Previously published versions of the Elimination Guidelines should not be relied on when making treatment decisions for a racehorse.

See the CPMA Elimination Guidelines. A PDF version is available for those who would like to print a copy.

The CPMA strongly recommends that you consult your veterinarian on any decision to administer supplements or medications to a horse.

Subscribe to the CPMA Email Subscription Service to receive industry notifications by email.

If you have any questions, please contact the CPMA at 1-800-268-8835 or

Drug Name Current Elimination Guideline New Elimination Guideline
Atropine 24h / 15 mg IV / single 24h / 7 mg IV / single
Beclomethasone 48h / 4 mg AER / single 24h / 1 mg AER / single
Ciclesonide New 48h / 2744 µg AER twice daily for 5 days, followed by 4116 µg AER once daily for 5 days
Dantrolene 36h / 1 g PO / single 48h / 1.5 g PO / single
60h / 1 g PO / once daily x 5 days No change
Dembrexine 72h / 150 mg PO / single Deleted
72h / 150 mg PO / twice daily x 4 days No change
Dexamethasone New 48h / 20 mg IM / single
48h / 25 mg IV / single No change
48h / 10 mg PO / once daily x 5 days No change
Flunixin 48h / 500 mg PO / single No change
48h / 500 mg IV / single No change
72h / 500 mg IM / single Deleted
72h / 500 mg IM / once daily x 3 days Deleted
72h / 500 mg IM / once daily x 5 days Deleted
Isoflupredone 48h / 24 mg IM / single 72h / 20 mg IM / single
New 7d / 10 mg IA / single
Meloxicam 48h / 90 mg PO / single 72h / 250 mg PO / single
54h / 270 mg IV / single 72h / 270 mg IV / single
Mepivacaine 48h / 300 mg IA / single 72h / 250 mg IA / single
48h / 300 mg SC / single No change
Penicillin G procaine 425h / 2 x 106 IU IM / single No change
425h / 4 x 106 IU IM / single No change
425h / 4 x 106 IU IM / once daily x 5 days No change
425h / 6 x 106 IU IM / single No change
60h / 4 x 106 IU PO / single Deleted
48h / 0.2 x 106 IU TOP / single Deleted
24 h / 0.8 mg AER / single 24h / 0.3 mg AER / single
Salicylic acid 24h / 11.7 g PO / single No change
6h / 8.38 g TOP / single Deleted
0h / 3.35 g TOP / single Deleted
Theophylline 96h / 1.5 g IV / single No change
New 72h / 4 g PO / single
Triamcinolone acetonide 6d / 20 mg IA / single 7d / 20 mg IA / single
New 24h / 10 mg TOP / single
Trichlormethiazide 24h / 100 mg PO / single 48h / 100 mg PO / single
24h / 200 mg PO / single 48h / 200 mg PO / single
24h / 100 mg IV / single 48h / 100 mg IV / single
36h / 100 mg IM / single 48h / 100 mg IM / single
Xylazine 24h / 500 mg IV / single 48h / 500 mg IV / single
AER Aerosol
h Hours
IA Intra-articular
IM Intramuscular
IU International Units
IV Intravenous
PO Per os / Oral
SC Subcutaneous
TOP Topical


Please join OHHA in our Annual Meeting on Wednesday October 2nd from 6:30-7:30PM located at Flamborough Baptist Church, 41 Concession 5 Rd East, Waterdown,