Changes to the Highway Traffic Act Reminder

OHHA would like to remind the horse people of the changes in 2019 to the Highway Traffic Act that directly impacted those that trailer horses in Ontario.

The Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) is pleased to report that there have been recent changes to the Highway Traffic Act. OHHA had written and asked the Minister of Transportation at the time, the Hon. Jeff Yurek, to review the requirement, under the old regulations, that required that any vehicle transporting horses to or from an Ontario Racing Commission licensed racetrack to be registered as Commercial vehicles. Under those regulations owners of trucks and trailers, regardless of size or weight, were required to obtain a Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration and be subject to all of the requirements that come with that designation as long as they were transporting to or from a racetrack. The Minister has eliminated that requirement and has made a number of other changes that may impact those that trailer horses in Ontario. OHHA thanks the Minister for his consideration.

Effective July 1, 2019, Pickup trucks and trailers for personal use are exempt from the requirement for an annual inspection (both the inspection and displaying the yellow decal /sticker). A pickup truck and trailer drawn by the pickup truck qualify for the exemption provided the following criteria are met:

  • The pickup truck and trailer are being used for personal use without compensation; AND
  • The pickup truck and trailer are NOT carrying commercial tools or cargo, or equipment of a type normally used for commercial purposes.

For the exemption to apply, the pickup truck must:

  • Have a manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 6,500 kg or less AND
  • Be fitted with either the original, unmodified replacement box that duplicates the one originally installed by the manufacturer.

The changes are intended to treat personal use pickup trucks and personal use pickup-trailer combinations equally, reducing stakeholder confusion, and minimizing burden and cost for vehicle owners.

To read more about the recent changes to the Highway Traffic Act regarding personal use pickup trucks click on the attached link.


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