North American Harness Horse Alliance Held Their First Official Meeting



— North American Harness Horse Alliance


MANALAPAN, NJ — February 24, 2020 –On Saturday February 22, 2020 the North American Harness Horse Alliance held their first official meeting at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando Florida.


The NAHHA sees an opportunity to unite the Harness Racing Community.


  • Cooperatively work together to achieve results to benefit the Harness Racing Industry.


  • Provide a wealth of experience in contracts, contract negotiations, Health Insurance and Horsemen’s Benefits


  • Share best practices throughout the industry.


  • Respond and provide solutions to current issues and future issues that are the facing the Harness Racing Industry


  • We have identified a number of issues that we will be working on to provide guidance for the Harness Racing Industry


  • NAHHA wants to sustain and grow the Harness Racing Industry in North America and make sure that Harness Horse Racing Members have a strong voice with race tracks, regulators and Governments at all levels.


  • Timely communications to the Harness Horse Racing Industry


  • No Membership Fees


  • Each organization to be involved in the resolution of issues


  • Meetings will be held by conference call and in person in conjunction with other industry events, (USHWA Annual Meeting, USTA Annual Meetings, etc.), when required


  • Each Organization to work towards promoting Harness Racing and working together to advertise and promote Harness Racing and our equine athletes.


  • Each Organization will have one vote on resolutions or implementations


  • Membership is open to all Harness Racing Organizations

Left to right: Anthony Romano of the SBOA of NJ, Joseph Faraldo of the SOA of NY, Renee Mancino of OHHA of Ohio, Brian Tropea of the OHHA of Canada, and Alfred Ochsner of the SBOA of NJ. Missing from photo are Mark Ford of the SBOA OF NJ and James Whelan of the OHHA of Canada.



Current Membership Consist of:


  • OHHA of Canada


  • SBOA of New Jersey


  • SOA of New York


  • OHHA of Ohio


To become a member please contact:

Alfred Ochsner Executive Administrator of the SBOA NJ at 732-462-0411. Email: or NAHHA at


The Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) would like to inform members of its holiday office hours. The OHHA office will be closed on Tuesday,
Please join OHHA in our Annual Meeting on Wednesday October 2nd from 6:30-7:30PM located at Flamborough Baptist Church, 41 Concession 5 Rd East, Waterdown,